Monday, January 19, 2015

Day 76

Only one-quarter remains of 100 Days to Great.  The end is really coming on fast now!  Yesterday's NFC Championship game may not have been the most helpful - there may have been a little bit of stress eating going on.  All good snacks, but perhaps a bit more of them than I should've had.  However, one of the big lessons of this process is balance, so I'll just focus on hitting my good habits hard over the next several days.  This weekend might also be another curveball, as I'm traveling to Pittsburgh for a business school case competition Friday through Sunday.  Travel can make routines hard to maintain, but I'll pack some healthy snacks and workout clothes and try to keep things as normal as possible.

With Day 100 fast approaching, my mind is turning more and more to wondering if and what will change after it.  Soon it'll be time to sit down with Coach Stefan and learn.

This morning's workout was a bittersweet one because it was the last official one under the watchful eye of Coach Rimmer.  Rimmer took over the responsibility of training me and a few other 7 AM guys a few years ago.  In that time, he helped me to get the strongest I've ever been, all the while employing his one-of-a-kind combination of encouragement, tough love and a 12-year-old boy's sense of humor.  Now he's off to pursue great new opportunities, and I wish him the very best.  So I'd like to a moment to say thank you, Coach Rimmer.  There have only been a few individuals I've been glad to call Coach in my life, and you're one of them.

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