Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Day 29

It's Day 29, meaning I had my second check-in/weigh-in for 100 DAYS TO GREAT this morning.  I've shared my anxiety with you... and have good-ish news!

Here's how things are shaping up:

  • On the weight front, I've lost another 5 pounds, bringing the cumulative total to 11 pounds over the last 4 weeks.  Of that, roughly 7 have been body fat mass.  The remainder has been mostly water weight.
  • On the body fat front, I dropped another 1.5%, bringing the cumulative total to 2.3%.
The good news is that my rate of fat loss improved over the last two weeks, as you can see from the downward kink in the green line above.  The less good news is that I'm on pace to finish the 100 DAYS at roughly 12% body fat - a far cry from the goal of 7%.  However, *if* the recent increase in the rate of fat loss holds, that 12% projection should also improve.  

Either way, there are two parts to this lifestyle equation - diet and exercise.  There is not a whole lot more I can do with diet: I've been sticking to the recommended plan as closely as possible, with virtually no deviation.  That means it's time to increase the exercise.  Right now I work out on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  The workouts are pretty power-centric - I break a good sweat, but there is not much cardio.  So first, we will be adding 10-15 minutes of steady state cardio to the end of each workout; and I will also be adding some cardio to my off days.  I'll start by getting in a 45-60 minute cardio workout on 2 of my 4 off days, using the Nike Training Kinect program on Xbox 360.  I've used it several times in the past, and it always works me out hard enough to break a good sweat.

We'll see if that helps me to maintain (or maybe increase!) this new fat loss rate of 1.5% over two weeks.  The next weigh-in is 12/17 - time to re-focus and re-dedicate!

1 comment:

  1. Keep us posted on the cardio workout with the Kinect. It's hard to beat a nice run (or walk around the pool table). Still, it's nice to have some dependable exercise for a cold and rainy day. Hope the Kinect works - it'll give me an excuse to get one.
