Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day 14

Today marks two weeks into 100 Days to Great.

The last couple days have taught me how important it is to take the time to grocery shop, plan, and get myself ready for the day(s) ahead.  For the first 10 days or so of this process, I was more or less winging it because I couldn't get to the grocery store.  After finally getting that shopping trip in on Sunday, yesterday and today have felt so much smoother.  I have a post-it note on my monitor at work with all of the times I'm supposed to have a meal or snack, and when the times come, I've got what I need on hand and ready to go.

I'm craving things here and there (I miss you, Taco Bell), but for the most part I feel determined.  I suspect things are going to get a bit tougher soon, because 100 days is beginning to feel like a looong time.

Tomorrow AM is the first official weigh-in since this whole thing started.  The goal is to be down about 4 pounds of fat at this point.  Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. The first ten days are the hardest. You'll nail this, if you don't let down your guard. Besides, you have a growing fan base.

    There's motivation.
