Thursday, November 6, 2014

Day 2

Ah, the optimism in the early stages of a journey.  If every day felt like today, it'd be smooth sailing.  No cravings, and a great workout.  And yet, I'm sure not every day will feel like today, so I've got to be thankful for the ones that do.

Here's a bit more detail about what I'm after in this quest.

Naturally, I must begin with some numbers. Yesterday morning I clocked in at 222 pounds and 20% body fat.  My body fat has been hanging around 18-20% for several months now.  At some point over the summer (June or July) I remember stepping on the scale and seeing 206 pounds.  Give or take a few pounds of lean mass here and there, that means I've put on somewhere in the neighborhood of 10-12 pounds of fat since the summer and am now at my all-time high.  That 222 pounds consists of 178 pounds of lean mass and 44 pounds of "other" - fat, water, etc.  The goal for February 14th is 7% body fat (for no other reason than settling on the mid-point of a 6-8% target range).  That means losing about 25-30 pounds over the next 100 days, or roughly 2 pounds per week.

If you're curious about how I came up with these numbers, Fire Fitness has this doodad I call the microwave.  It looks like a scale, and you stand on it while also holding onto some handles.  It sends some kind of wave through you and detects water vs. lean vs. fat.  I've gotten measured every other month or so for a few years now, so I know exactly where I've been and where I'm projecting to go.

Now to be transparent, I don't expect to keep to 7% when all is said and done.  I want to reach it, enjoy it for a moment, and then re-introduce some of my favorite items that are off-limits during this time - things like wine, beer, and baked goods.  However, I hope and expect that the degree to which I want to consume these things is reduced compared to where I've been lately; that the term 'moderation' will actually apply to my habits.  I'm trying to create a new "average" for myself - one that skews toward the healthier end.  I feel like a sustained, intense effort like this will do the trick.

The next three days will be a test.  We'll be traveling, and I will want to do things like grab some Starbucks (venti skinny vanilla latte and iced lemon pound cake, to be specific), some Bugles for the plane ride (a personal favorite), and eat what's convenient (which for me tends to mean processed).  I'll probably be tempted at least once to have an adult beverage.  That said, I'll be hanging with people who support and encourage me, which will help.

See you tomorrow!

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